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  • 地区: 北京市
  • 传真:010-67699420
  • Email:903418872@qq.com
  • 地址:北京市刘家窑桥东大陆写字楼306
  • 电话:010-57019721
  • 经营许可证号:L-BJ-CJ00154
  • 经营范围:国内旅游、入境旅游、出境旅游、咨询服务

北京市康祥假日国际旅游有限公司成立于一九九五年,隶属于北京市教育系统的直属企业,并经旅游局批准在北京市工商行政管理局注册,具有独立法人资格的旅游企业。公司管理规范、服务优良,是一家集旅游度假、商务考察、涵盖全球旅游线路、国内酒店预订和会议培训服务为一体,也是中国专业的旅游在线服务商。 北京康祥旅游网利用本身的旅游资源优势为客户提供具有竞争力的产品价格,使用领先的网络商务平台和电话预定服务为客户提供专业和便捷的服务,康祥国旅拥有一批专业旅游活动策划的团队为客户组织特色主题活动,让个人、家庭、散客和公司商务人士都能体验到康祥旅游的专业旅游服务。康祥国旅将致力于旅游电子商务和互联网营销的研究、推广。 目前,康祥假日国际旅游有限公司在北京市拥有门市部15个,3个专业型网站,员工近200人,拥有自主旅游品牌:健康之旅、祥之旅,为北京旅游市场的发展不断的做出自己的努力。 The Beijing Kang Xiang holiday international travel CO.,LTD. had been established in 1995, subordinates to the Beijing education system subordinate enterprise, and authorized by the travel bureau in the Beijing industrial and commercial administration bureau registration, has the independent legal personality the traveling enterprise. The corporate management standard, the service is fine, is a fair traveling vacation, the commercial inspection, covers the global traveling line, the domestic hotel orders with the conference trains the service is a body, also is Chinese specialized traveling on-line service business Chinese Kang Xiang travels website (www.kxtravel.com.cn) to use itself traveling resources superiority to provide has the competitive ability for the customer the product price, uses the leading network commerce platform and the telephone prearranges the service to provide the specialty and the convenient service for the customer, Kang Xiang InternationalTravel has the team which one batch of specialized traveling activities plans for the customer organization characteristic subject activity, lets individual, the family, the individual tourist and the company commerce public figures all can experience the specialized traveling service which Kang Xiang travels. Kang Xiang International Travel will devote to the traveling electronic commerce and the Internet marketing research, the promotion. At present, the Kang Xiang holiday travelco.,TTD has retail sales department 15 in Beijing, 3 specialties websites, the staff nearly 200 people, have the independent traveling brand: Travel of, the auspicious travel the health, unceasing make own for the Beijing traveling market development endeavor
