西安海外旅游有限责任公司(XI’AN OVERSEAS TOURIST CO.,LTD)1989年4月经国家旅游局批准设立,1999年7月改制为有限责任公司,设址于驰名中外的历史文化古城西安。 西安海外旅游有限责任公司系西安旅游集团控股的专业旅游企业,具有自主外联签证权与中国公民出境旅游特许权的国际旅行社,企业经营许可证编号为:L-SNX-CJ00005。中国旅行社协会会员单位,西安市旅游协会旅行社分社常务理事。 公司的业务范围是:开发国际国内旅游市场,招徕和组织接待外国旅游者来西安和中国各地观光旅游、商务考察、承办国际会议、组织学术交流及中国公民国内旅游和出境旅游,国际国内旅游市场信息咨询调研、旅游项目开发、旅游巴士、国际国内航空机票代理等相关业务。 本公司拥有一批训练有素,经验丰富的行政管理人员和服务热忱获得国家专业资格的翻译导游、领队人员及多年从事国际国内旅游市场开拓,精通外联业务的人员所组成员工队伍,具有良好的职业修养和优异的服务品质。公司配备有现代化的办公设施、通讯设备和高级旅游车队,能够迅速、快捷的提供满意的服务。 Xi’an Overseas Tourism Co., LTD In July, 1999, Xi’an overseas tourist Co., LTD was established in Xi’an, the ancient capital of China. Xi’an Overseas Tourism Co., LTD with the shares chiefly controlled by Xi’an Co., LTD Tourism has the right of applying visas and the license of hosting outbound tourism. The license code of the entrepreneur is: L-SNX-CJ00005. The main business consist the followings: Tourists from China and abroad, business groups, international conference organizing, outbound tourism and cultural exchange activities, tourism market consulting service, travel program evaluating and research, tour bus service, China domestic and international air tickets booking service, etc. Xi’an Overseas Tourism Co., LTD is proud to have a group of bridle-wise executive staff, certificated interpreters, tour guides and tour leaders, experienced and knowledgeable tourism consultants, furthermore, we are equipped with modern office equipments, communication devices and high-quality tour buses. All the above enabled us to provide efficient and perfect service to our customers. Our goal of the business: Meet the clients’ requirements , manage our business honestly and faithfully, win our customers’ confidence with our quality, focus on cooperating with all the tourist organizations of all around the world, develop the understanding and friendship of the people of China and other countries.