中国国旅(河南)国际旅行社成立于1958年,是河南省最早成立的旅行社。属国旅总社的控股企业,中国国际旅行社集团常务理事单位,出境游组团社,大陆居民赴台湾旅游组团社,国旅总社“环球行”指定代理商,中国旅行社协会理事单位。 下设入境旅游中心、出境旅游中心,国旅假期中心、分支机构,共辖25个部门、6个分社。拥有员工100余人,其中英、日、法、德、意、朝、俄、泰、粤语翻译30余人。主营入境旅游、出境旅游、国内旅游业务。 因业绩突出,1992年被评为全国旅游行业先进集体,1993年被授于中国第一、二类旅行社百强称号,1996年被评为95~中国海关旅游先进集体,1999年被评为国旅系统港澳台游优秀代理社,2000年被评为1999年度河南省优秀旅行社,并被授于“质量信得过单位”和“优质服务单位”称号,2001年至2007年连续被评为河南省最佳旅行社,2005年获河南省游客满意的十佳旅行社第一名,2006年获河南省诚信旅游示范窗口单位,2008年被评为“河南省首批四星级旅行社”。 河南国旅以51年的建社历史,凭一以贯之诚信理念,以严谨科学的规范操作,树名牌大社形象,创一流优质服务,愿与海内外同业携手、互惠互利、共谋发展、繁荣旅游、回报社会。 Founded in 1958, Henan China International Travel Service was the earliest travel service of Henan Province. It is a holding company under CITS Head Office, a standing member unit of CITS Group. It is an authorized wholesaler of outbound tours, as well as an authorized agent of "Total Travels" of CITS Head Office. It is an authorized agent of CITS American Express Partner of Henan Province, a member of China Travel Association. It consists In-bound Tour Center, Out-bound Tour Center, Domestic Tour Center and branches with 25 departments and 6 branch agencies. It has over 100 staffs, of whom, over 30 persons are guide-interpreters of English, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Korean, Russian, Thai and Cantonese speaking. It majors in in-bound tour, out-bound tour, domestic tour as well as air . Henan CITS was awarded the advanced group of tourism industry in 1992 for the outstanding achievement. It was entitled one of the top-100 Category A and Category B travel services in 1993. And in 1996 it was awarded the advanced group of tourism by China Customs for the year of 1995. It was appraised as an excellent agent of Hong Kong &Macau Tour by CITS Head Office in 1999. In 2000, it was appraised as an excellent travel service of Henan Province of the year 1999. And it was entitled "quality guaranteed unit" and "excellent service unit" as well. It was entitled best travel service of Henan Province from 2001 to 2007. In 2005, it ranked the first among the best 10 travel services in Henan province. And in 2006, it was appraised a model of honest travel services in Henan. And in 2008, it was appraised first batch 4 stars travel service of Henan Province. With a history of 51 years, HENAN CITS has always the concept of reliance with rigorous scientific and formal operation. It is always trying to make itself a famous brand travel service with first class service. It is always ready to cooperate with the partners both home and abroad to have mutual benefit, mutual development, to promote tourism prosperity and repay the society.