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  • 地区: 广东省 广州市
  • 传真:020—83753586
  • Email:653335433@qq.com
  • 地址:广州市越秀区寺右二横路17号广告城一楼
  • 电话:020—83830703、83842396、83805956、83765102、83845756
  • 经营许可证号:L-GD-CJ00018
  • 经营范围:入境旅游业务 国内旅游业务 出境旅游业务

广东和平国际旅行社有限公司简介 广东和平国际旅行社有限公司(前身是广州开发区开元国际旅行社)成立于一九八五年。主要经营出境旅游、入境旅游、国内旅游、各国签证、国内国际机票,商务会展及奖励旅游等。是中国旅行社协会、广东旅行社行业协会及广州地区旅行社行业协会常务理事单位,也是中国和平旅游联盟理事单位。旗下还拥有海外全资公司--新西兰和平国际旅行社和广东和平国际旅行社有限公司各地分公司及广州市博苑文化传播公司、广州市和平票务代理公司等企业。 广东和平国际旅行社有限公司以集团化、品牌化、网络化为目标,以优良的品牌,诚挚的信誉,优质的服务为广大客户提供快捷、方便、开心的吃、住、行、游、购、娱等一条龙服务。精心打造《》著名品牌,深受国内外客户好评。广东和平国际旅行社有限公司拥有一支综合素质高,业务能力强的策划、采购、销售、计调等,以及交通运输和语种齐全的导游队伍。以科学、严谨的管理模式,先进、创新的经营理念,始终坚持“品质至上,信誉第一”的宗旨,充分挖掘旅游资源为境内外游客提供全方位的服务。 广东和平国际旅行社有限公司近年来曾获得“中国出境游十大批发商”、“中国旅游行业十大影响力品牌”、“2006中国企业诚信经营示范单位”、“广东地区十大最受欢迎旅行社”、“广东出境游十大品牌旅行社”、“广东省十大出境游旅行社”、“连续8年荣获守合同重信用企业”等多项殊荣,是旅游局颁发的首批“诚信旅行社”。 广东和平国际旅行社有限公司全体同仁竭诚为您服务,您的满意,就是我们的目标。 我们的品牌网站: http://lxs.cncn.com/75139 Guangdong Peace International Tourism Co. Ltd (Abbreviate to GPIT), the former Kaiyuan International Travel Agency located in Guangzhou Development Zone, was founded in 1985, specializing in the business of inbound and outbound tours, domestic tours, visas, flight tickets, business conferences and bonus tours. GPIT is the standing committee member of China Association of Travel Services, Guangdong Travel Services Association, and Guangzhou Travel Services Profile Association, and also the committee member of China Peace Travel Union. Additionally, it also holds the overseas wholly-owned company, New Zealand Peace International Travel Agency, domestic branches, Guangzhou Bo Yuan Cultural Communication Co Ltd., and Guangzhou Peace Tickets and Service Company. Aiming to become a globalized group with its own brand and network, GPIT adheres to the principle of giving the priority to the people in our business, and dedicates to provide our clients with fast, convenient, pleasant and quality one-stop service including food, accommodation, travel, tour, shopping and entertainment arrangements. GPIT has introduced a series of specially tailored tourism brands, such as “Happy holidays”, which receives high reputation both at home and abroad. GPIT is believed to own a team of well qualified and highly professional sellers and operators for plan and control, as well as multiple language guides. With rigorous scientific approach and advanced creative concept, by persisting in the aim of service and prestige above all, GPIT will provide an overall service for customers. In recent years, GPIT has been awarded as “china top 10 wholesaler of outbound tourism”, “Top 10 Most Favored Guangdong Travel Agency”, “Top 10 Brands of Outbound Tour in Guangdong”, “Top 10 Guangdong Outbound Travel Agency”, “Top 10 Most Influential Brands in China Tourism Industry”, and “Enterprise of Contract Observation and Credit Regard”. It’s also one of the first “Good Faith Enterprise” issued by the National Tourism Administration. GPIT provides the best service for you sincerely. Your satisfaction is our goal. “中国旅行社协会”常务理事单位 中国旅游协会会员 2006中国企业诚信经营示范单位 06年广州地区旅行社诚信单位 广州地区旅行社协会理事单位 连续五年获得“守合同重信用企业” 2005年度十大最受欢迎旅行社 中国和平国际旅游联盟成员单位 2006年中国旅游行业十大影响力品牌 “喜程假期”是公司旗下营业部门的网络品牌,多年来一直专注于自驾车度假订房、商务会议、度假旅游、拓展培训,成绩骄人,我们将为每一位游客提供专业、细致、优质的服务!