写中秋节的英语作文 这样写不会错

来源:动车查   更新时间:2021-05-30 12:15

1、The Mid-Autumn festival, every family reunion together, in favor of thebalcony and enjoy the moon while eating moon cakes, even my family is no exception.

2、My family and I together in the balcony on moon. Just dump the moon rising from under a piece of pure, and the moon bright fluorescent, slowly,slowly turned white. Quiet moonlight sprinkled on the ground, the whole world is on the quilt with a layer of silver light, the town was hanging over the thin silver yarn. Through the clouds, the moon will glowsprinkled on the road, as if the road is paved with silver. It will also be the moonlight reflected in the water, evening the wind blows, the river is sparkling.

3、The moon like a shy little girl, in a short while hiding in the clouds, and the cute little head out from the cloud, the earth became dreamy silver. Looking at the moon, and can not help but reminds me of the story of chang e, people is in honor of the goddess of the moon to August 15 as the Mid-Autumn festival reunion hoping people. Also reminds me of a well-known celebrated the stillness of the night: bright moonlight before bed, doubt is frost on the ground. Look at the bright moon, bowed their heads and remembering home. This poem represents the poet li homesick feelings. From time to time make me think of the garrison the frontier soldiers in the Mid-Autumn festival this day cannot be reunited withhis family.

4、I had a happy Mid-Autumn festival.

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